Chapel of Sacred Mirrors with Mixtek Mystics - part 1
I find it so hard to put into the words the experience that I had on this epic journey to The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in the Hudson Valley, New York last October (2023). It was an experience that will live in my heart for a long, long time and I am so grateful to be chosen as one of 18 artists to attend. It was a week long art immersive under the guidance of visionary artists Amanda Sage and her partner Joebob Merritt, together they are ‘Mixtek Mystics’.
There’s so many aspects of this trip that were dreams come true for me.
To meet and study with Amanda Sage in person. ✓
Meet Alex Grey and Allyson Grey. ✓
Get to visit Chapel of Sacred Mirrors and Entheon and see Alex Grey’s art in person. ✓
Getting to meet some of my online art community that I met on the Vision Train during covid and have known for over 4 years now ✓✓✓
This photo was taken in front of Enteon with Amanda Sage, Joebob Merrit, Alex & Allyson Grey and my fellow students as we were about to embark on a tour of ‘Entheon’ guided by Alex and Allyson.
Mixtek Mystics class of 2023 outside entrance to Entheon.
On the ground floor you will find the All One Gallery which houses epic original paintings from visionary artists that are at the top of the International visionary art movement. Artists work on display included Ernst Fuchs,
One of the most incredible paintings in the gallery is Amanda Sages ‘Ana Suromai’, it is fierce and jaw dropping in it’s impact!
Posing in front of the 'Ana Suromai' original painting with the artist Amanda Sage. One of my favourite photos from the trip!
To be in the presence of Alex Grey and Allysons original art was incredible and to be given the guided tour and hear the stories to go along with each piece was so special. I was in awe as we went from floor to floor. A lifetime dedicated to creating huge pieces of art was magnificent to witness. Above are just a few images from the tour of Enteon.